Skin Related Services
- Consultations for general skin concerns
- Skin cancer checks
- Cryotherapy
- Skin lesion biopsies
- Skin lesion excisions
- Spot mapping (coming soon)
- Cosmetic medicine and minor procedures (coming soon)
The Importance of Skin Checks
We believe very strongly that early detection and diagnosis of skin cancer is of utmost importance, and highly encourage regular check ups. Consequently, our doctor is extremely thorough when dealing with skin related concerns, and offers a service of exceptional quality to our patients. Specific training is required in order for a doctor to be qualified in this field, so you will find that not every GP can offer this service.
Our doctor recommends check ups under the following circumstances:
- Young people under the age of 50 with no family history of melanoma should have a check up every two years.
- For people over the age of 50, or anyone who has a family history of melanoma, a yearly check up is suggested.
Follow up
After a consultation, if the doctor has any concerns, a follow-up appointment will be made. This is the case when a biopsy or excision is to be performed, or further treatment is required. See more information about procedures under Minor Procedures.
For certain types of skin cancer, or precancerous skin lesions, there are non-invasive or minimally invasive alternatives. Some examples of these include topical creams, cryotherapy, and cauterisation.